Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Powershell: Test Domain Controller Certificates

When replacing Domain Controller certificates for Active Directory with a valid 3rd party certificate I use this script to quickly test my domain and all my domain controllers directly to make sure they are serving out the certificate.

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Written by Matt Brown
### Description: This Grabs a list of all the Domain Controllers and tries to connect to them via SSL over Port 636
### -----------------------------------------------------------------

$DCList = @(

$DCList | foreach {
 $DC = $_
 $LDAPS = [ADSI]"LDAP://$($DC):636"
 try {
  $Connection = [adsi]($LDAPS)
 } Catch {
 if ($Connection.Path) {
  Write-Host "Active Directory server correctly configured for SSL, test connection to $($LDAPS.Path) completed." -foregroundcolor Green
 } else {
  Write-Host "Active Directory server not configured for SSL, test connection to LDAP://$($DC):636 did not work." -ForegroundColor Yellow

Monday, November 10, 2014

PowerShell: Add Computer to Domain directly to OU

Here's a PowerShell script to add computers to the Domain to a specific OU (Organizational Unit) and allows you to select the OU Location. I did not use the AD modules as they are not pre-installed on most desktops, even though it would of been much easier to write with them.
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Written by Matt Brown
### -
### PowerShell script to search OU Structure and add computer to domain
### -----------------------------------------------------------------

 $user = $(Get-Credential -Credential "domain\user"), # Prompts user for credentials
 $filter = "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)",  # Do not change
 $ouLocatoin = "LDAP://OU=Departments,DC=domain,DC=com", # Starting Organizational Unit
 $mydomain = "",    # FQDN of Domain
 $whatif = "-WhatIf"      # change to "" to actually run

Function GetSecurePass ($SecurePassword) {
  $Ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($SecurePassword)
  $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($Ptr)
Function AddTabs($mystring,[int]$numtabs=5) {
 for([int]$len = (([string]$mystring).length / 8.9); $len -lt $numtabs; $len++) { $mystring += "`t" }
 return $mystring
Function SelectOU($dn,$up) {

 Write-Host "### -----------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host "### Select OU and Add Computer to Domain                             " -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host "### Written by Matt Brown                                            " -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host "###  -                     " -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host "### PowerShell v.2 (Windows 7 / Server 2008 R2)                      " -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host "### -----------------------------------------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host "`nThe Number in the Select column adds the computer to the OU, where the List column will list Sub-OU's of the OU." -ForegroundColor Green
 Write-Host $dn
 Write-Host $up
 Write-Host "`n"
 Write-Host ("List Of " + (([string]$dn).split("/"))[2]) -ForegroundColor Yellow
 Write-Host " Select  List`tOU"
 Write-Host " ----------------------------------------------------"
 Write-Host "   0`t  L0   <- Up a Level"
 #$ou = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -SearchBase $dn -SearchScope OneLevel -Filter 'Name -like "*"'
 $auth = [System.DirectoryServices.AuthenticationTypes]::FastBind
 $de = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry($dn,$user.UserName,(GetSecurePass $user.Password),$auth)
 $ds = New-Object system.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($de,$filter)
 $ds.SearchScope = "OneLevel"
 $ou=($ds.Findall()) | Sort-Object -Property Name
 $sel = $null
 $selectList = @("0","L0","C")
 for($x=1; $ou.count -ge $x; $x++) {
  # output line, decide if it needs to be in yellow or white
  $selectList += $x
  $selectList += ("L"+$x)
  $outname = (AddTabs ($ou[$x-1].Properties['name']))
  $lineout = ("   " + $x + "`t  " + ("L"+$x) + "`t" + $outname)
  if($x % 2 -eq 0) {
   Write-Host $lineout -BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Black
  } else { 
   Write-Host $lineout -BackgroundColor Gray -ForegroundColor Black
 Write-Host "   C`t  C    -- Cancel & Exit"
 Write-Host "`n"
 while($selectList -notcontains $sel) {
  $sel = Read-Host "   Select OU or List Sub-OUs"
 ## Figure out what the user selected
 if ( $sel[0] -eq "L") {
  ## Users Selected List Mode
  $y = ($sel.split("Ll")[1])
  if([int]$y -eq 0) { 
   $newup = ("LDAP://" + ($up -replace (($up -split ",")[0] + ",")))
   SelectOU $up $newup
  } else { 
   SelectOU $ou[$y-1].Properties['adspath'] $dn 
 } elseif ($sel -eq "c") {
  ## User Selected Cancel
  return $false
 } else {
  ## User Selected the OU
  if([int]$sel -eq 0) {
   return ([string]$dn).split("//")[2] 
  } elseif([int]$sel -le [int]$ou.count)  { 
   return $ou[$sel-1].Properties['distinguishedname']
  } else { 
   SelectOU $dn $up 

## Main

## Select / View OU
while($ou = (SelectOU $ouLocatoin $ouLocatoin)) {
 ## Add to Domain
 Write-Host ("  Will add computer (" + $env:computername + ") to:") -ForegroundColor Yellow
 Write-Host ("    " + $ou + "`n") -ForegroundColor Green
 $continue = Read-Host "  Continue (y | n)"
 if($continue -eq "y") {
  ## Now Add the Computer to the Domain
  add-computer -domainname $mydomain -OUPath $ou -Credential $user $whatif

Friday, November 7, 2014

Powershell: Test VMWare Host Networks

Here's a handy script I use to verify networks on my VMWare Clusters. This script takes a test VM and changes the Network and IP Address from a list, then does a simple ping from the VM on each host to let you know your networks are working correctly before moving Production Machines to it. The need for this spawned from a missing "allowed vLan id" not being configured across the ether channel ports on one of the hosts.

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Written by Matt Brown
### Description: Test VMWare Host Networks
### Requires:
###   VMWare Snapin
###   Test VM with a Local Admin Account, may need to turn UAC Off
###   CSV File with Network Info
### Sample CSV File:
###     Name,VLanId,ip,netmask,gateway
###     VM-Subnet01,21,,,
###     VM-Subnet02,22,,,
### -----------------------------------------------------------------

## Load VMWare Snapin
if(-not (Get-PSSnapin | where { $_.Name -match 'VMware.VimAutomation.Core' })) {
 Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

## Vars to Configure
$vCenterServer = ""
$clusterToTest = "ProductionCluster"
$TestMachine = "TestVM"
$vmnicname = "Local Area Connection"
$NetworkListFile = "VMNetworkTestList.csv"

function TestNetwork($currenthost,$newhost,$vm,$gateway,$guestCred) {
 if($currenthost -notmatch $newhost) {
  Write-Host ("Moving $TestMachine to " + $_.Name) -ForegroundColor Cyan
  $VM | Move-VM -Destination $_.Name | Out-Null
 $script = ("ping " + $gateway)
 Write-Host $script -ForegroundColor Yellow
 $pingtest = Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm -ScriptText $script -scriptType bat -Credential $guestCred
 if($pingtest.ScriptOutput -match "(0% loss)") { Write-Host "Test Success" -ForegroundColor Green } else { $pingtest.ScriptOutput }
 #$continue = Read-Host "Hit Enter to Test on Next Host."
 return $newhost

## Connect to vCenter and grab information
Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -credential (Get-Credential -Message ("vCenter Account"))
$hosts = Get-VMHost -Location $clusterToTest | select Name
$VM = get-vm -name $TestMachine
$currenthost = $vm.VMHost.Name

$guestCred = Get-Credential -UserName ($TestMachine + "\") -Message "Local Admin Account"

$NetworksToTest = Import-Csv $NetworkListFile
$NetworksToTest | foreach {
 $NetworkName = $_.Name
 $IP = $_.ip
 $gateway = $_.gateway
 $netmask = $_.netmask
 Write-Host "Changing Network on $TestMachine to $NetworkName" -ForegroundColor Cyan
 Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $vm | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $NetworkName -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
 #$continue = Read-Host "Hit Enter to Set the IP Address."
 Write-Host "Changing IP Address on $TestMachine to $IP" -ForegroundColor Cyan
 $VM | Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface -GuestCredential $guestCred | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $vmnicname } | Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface -GuestCredential $guestCred -Ip $IP -Netmask $netmask -Gateway $gateway | Out-Null
 #$continue = Read-Host "Hit Enter to Run Ping Tests."
 $x = @()
 $hosts | where { $_ -notmatch $currenthost } | foreach { $x += $_.Name }
 $currenthost = TestNetwork $currenthost $currenthost $vm $gateway $guestCred
 $hosts | foreach {
  $currenthost = TestNetwork $currenthost $_ $vm $gateway $guestCred

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Powershell: Get AD Users from Group with Email Address

Here's a handy script I use to Generate a list of all "Users" with email addresses within a group. It's a recursive function so it will dig through nested groups to make sure all users are picked up. It does not do checking for duplicates as I normally just open the output in Excel and run the Remove Duplicates command.

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Written by Matt Brown
### Description: Get Username / Email from All Users in AD Group
### Requires: ActiveDirectory Module
### -----------------------------------------------------------------

Import-Module ActiveDirectory
$group = "Employees"
$outfile = ("c:\" + $group + "_output.csv")

function RecurseMyGroup($group,$outfile) {

 Write-Host ("Checking Group " + $group)
 (Get-ADGroup $group -properties members).members | foreach {
  $object = Get-ADObject $_ -Properties mail,samaccountname
  if($object.objectClass -eq "Group") {
   RecurseMyGroup $object.DistinguishedName $outfile
  } else {
   ($object.samaccountname + "," + $object.mail) | Out-File -FilePath $outfile -Append

RecurseMyGroup $group $outfile

Monday, November 3, 2014

Powershell: VMWare Snapshot Report

Here's a handy script I use to send me a report on all VM's in my VMWare Environment with active snapshots. This script finds all VM's with Snapshots, creates an HTML report and emails the info to the provided list. I schedule this to run via the Task Manager automatically every week.

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Written by Matt Brown
### Description: Powershell script grabs a list of snapshots from the
###     VMWare Enviornment and emails them out as a report.
### Requires: VMWare Powershell Extenstions
### -----------------------------------------------------------------

$thedate = Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm
$scriptname = "VMWareSnapshots.ps1"
$scriptlocation = "C:\Scripts\VMWare\"
$filename = $scriptlocation + "Transcripts\" + $thedate + "_Snapshots.rtf"
start-transcript -path $filename
$htmlOutFile = "C:\Scripts\VMWare\Reports\snapshot_list.htm"

$vCenterServer = ""
$vCenterLocation = "ProductionCluster"

### Load VMWare Snapin
Add-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Start Functions
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
function SendEmail($body,$subject=("Script ERROR: " + $scriptname + " on " + ($env:COMPUTERNAME)),$to=@(""),$attFile=$false) {

    $message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
 if($attFile) {
  $attachement = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Attachment($attFile)
  $message.Headers.Add("message-id", "<3BD50098E401463AA228377848493927-1>") # Adding a Bell Icon for Outlook users
    $message.From = ""
 $to | foreach {
     $message.To.Add($_) # default is admin in function
    $message.Subject = $subject

 $bodyh = "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------`n"
 $bodyh += "Server: " + ($env:COMPUTERNAME) + "`n"
 $bodyh += "User: " + ($env:USERDOMAIN) + "\" + ($env:USERNAME) + "`n"
 $bodyh += "Location: " + $scriptlocation + $scriptname + "`n"
 $bodyh += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------`n`n"

 $message.Body = $bodyh + $body

    $smtp = New-Object
    $smtp.Host = ""   
    $smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = $true

### -----------------------------------------------------------------

Connect-VIServer $vCenterServer

# HTML/CSS style for the output file
$head = ""

$title = ($vCenterLocation + " VMWare Snapshots as of ” + (get-date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"))

$data = @()
Get-VM -Location $vCenterLocation | foreach {
 $snapshots = Get-SnapShot -VM $_
 if ($snapshots.Name.Length -ige 1 -or $snapshots.length){
  ForEach ($snapshot in $snapshots){
   $myObj = "" | Select-Object VM, Snapshot, Created, Description
   $myObj.VM = $
   $myObj.Snapshot = $
   $myObj.Created = $snapshot.created
   $myObj.Description = $snapshot.description
   $data += $myObj
# Write the output to an HTML file
$data | Sort-Object VM | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $head -Body ("


") | Out-File $htmlOutFile SendEmail ("See Attached VMWare Snapshot Report") $title (@("","")) $htmlOutFile DisConnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false stop-transcript