Saturday, October 10, 2009

SMTP Relay with Exchange 2007 - part 2

Problem: I needed to add new applications / servers to the SMTP Relay Connector and document the additions.

Solution: Powershell script that reads a csv file with needed server / application / admin info. It then adds the IP address to the connector and logs the info to another CSV file.

CSV Files looks like this:
IP,Server,Admin,Application,fromaddr,SQL01,John Doe,SQL Mailer,

Powershell script


# Grab all our current connectors - should be 1 per hub server
$Connectors = Get-ReceiveConnector | where { $_.Name -eq "SMTP-Relay" }

# set value to current IP listed in first connector found
$ip = $connectors[0].RemoteIpRanges

# Open the File of IPs to add
$import = Import-Csv "1-NewSMTPRelayAddress.txt"
$updateConnector = $false

# Loop through CSV File
$import | Foreach {
# Set Vars
$newip = $_.ip

# Update Documentation (IP, Server, Admin, Application, Date Access Granted)
$thedate2 = Get-Date -f "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
$out = $newip + "," + $_.Server + "," + $_.Admin + ","
$out += $_.Application + "," + $_.fromaddr + "," + $thedate2 + "`n"
$out | out-file SMTP_Relay_Access.csv -append

# add new ip to the list
$ip += $newip

# set a var so we know we need to update the connectors
$updateConnector = $true

if($updateConnector) {
# add those to all the connectors
$Connectors | Set-ReceiveConnector -RemoteIPRanges $ip
Write-host "The Following IPs are in the Connector" $ip

# Log run and clear file
$newname = $thedate + "_IPsAdded.txt"
copy-item -path "1-NewSMTPRelayAddress.txt" -destination "Log\$newname"
"IP,Server,Admin,Application,fromaddr" | out-file 1-NewSMTPRelayAddress.txt
} else {
write-host "No addresses found in the file"

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