Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Create Active Directory Users with Powershell

Here's a quick little script I wrote to create users in Active Directory using Powershell and the Quest extensions for AD.

---- Start Script CreateUsers.ps1 ----

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Written by Matt Brown - 12:13 PM 9/17/2008
### Powershell script requires a text file with the following fields
### Name,sAMAccountName,First,Last
### Brad,Bradley.J.Pitt,Brad,Pitt
### Requires Quest Powershell extenstions for AD
### -----------------------------------------------------------------

# Open the File of User Names and Put it in the Pipeline
Import-Csv "NewAccounts.txt" |

# Loop Through the CSV File, creating accounts
Foreach {
# Set Vars
$StrName = $_.Name
$StrSAMAccountName = $_.sAMAccountName
$StrFirst = $_.First
$StrLast = $_.Last

# Send vars to screen
(1 line below)
write-Host "Creating User Account: $StrSAMAccountName - $StrName - $StrFirst - $StrLast"

# Create Account (1 line below)
New-QADUser -ParentContainer "OU=NewAccounts,dc=mydomain,dc=com" -Name $StrName -FirstName $StrFirst -LastName $StrLast -SamAccountName $StrSAMAccountName -DisplayName $StrName -Description "Training Account." -UserPassword 'P@ssword' -UserPrincipalName "$" | Enable-QADUser

---- End Script CreateUsers.ps1 ----

And below is the text file used to create the accounts. Run this using the Quest Powershell extensions for AD and you'll be good to go.

---- Start
NewAccounts.txt ----


---- End NewAccounts.txt ----

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