Monday, November 3, 2014

Powershell: VMWare Snapshot Report

Here's a handy script I use to send me a report on all VM's in my VMWare Environment with active snapshots. This script finds all VM's with Snapshots, creates an HTML report and emails the info to the provided list. I schedule this to run via the Task Manager automatically every week.

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Written by Matt Brown
### Description: Powershell script grabs a list of snapshots from the
###     VMWare Enviornment and emails them out as a report.
### Requires: VMWare Powershell Extenstions
### -----------------------------------------------------------------

$thedate = Get-Date -f yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm
$scriptname = "VMWareSnapshots.ps1"
$scriptlocation = "C:\Scripts\VMWare\"
$filename = $scriptlocation + "Transcripts\" + $thedate + "_Snapshots.rtf"
start-transcript -path $filename
$htmlOutFile = "C:\Scripts\VMWare\Reports\snapshot_list.htm"

$vCenterServer = ""
$vCenterLocation = "ProductionCluster"

### Load VMWare Snapin
Add-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Start Functions
### -----------------------------------------------------------------
function SendEmail($body,$subject=("Script ERROR: " + $scriptname + " on " + ($env:COMPUTERNAME)),$to=@(""),$attFile=$false) {

    $message = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
 if($attFile) {
  $attachement = New-Object System.Net.Mail.Attachment($attFile)
  $message.Headers.Add("message-id", "<3BD50098E401463AA228377848493927-1>") # Adding a Bell Icon for Outlook users
    $message.From = ""
 $to | foreach {
     $message.To.Add($_) # default is admin in function
    $message.Subject = $subject

 $bodyh = "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------`n"
 $bodyh += "Server: " + ($env:COMPUTERNAME) + "`n"
 $bodyh += "User: " + ($env:USERDOMAIN) + "\" + ($env:USERNAME) + "`n"
 $bodyh += "Location: " + $scriptlocation + $scriptname + "`n"
 $bodyh += "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------`n`n"

 $message.Body = $bodyh + $body

    $smtp = New-Object
    $smtp.Host = ""   
    $smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = $true

### -----------------------------------------------------------------

Connect-VIServer $vCenterServer

# HTML/CSS style for the output file
$head = ""

$title = ($vCenterLocation + " VMWare Snapshots as of ” + (get-date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"))

$data = @()
Get-VM -Location $vCenterLocation | foreach {
 $snapshots = Get-SnapShot -VM $_
 if ($snapshots.Name.Length -ige 1 -or $snapshots.length){
  ForEach ($snapshot in $snapshots){
   $myObj = "" | Select-Object VM, Snapshot, Created, Description
   $myObj.VM = $
   $myObj.Snapshot = $
   $myObj.Created = $snapshot.created
   $myObj.Description = $snapshot.description
   $data += $myObj
# Write the output to an HTML file
$data | Sort-Object VM | ConvertTo-HTML -Head $head -Body ("


") | Out-File $htmlOutFile SendEmail ("See Attached VMWare Snapshot Report") $title (@("","")) $htmlOutFile DisConnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false stop-transcript

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