Friday, November 7, 2014

Powershell: Test VMWare Host Networks

Here's a handy script I use to verify networks on my VMWare Clusters. This script takes a test VM and changes the Network and IP Address from a list, then does a simple ping from the VM on each host to let you know your networks are working correctly before moving Production Machines to it. The need for this spawned from a missing "allowed vLan id" not being configured across the ether channel ports on one of the hosts.

### -----------------------------------------------------------------
### Written by Matt Brown
### Description: Test VMWare Host Networks
### Requires:
###   VMWare Snapin
###   Test VM with a Local Admin Account, may need to turn UAC Off
###   CSV File with Network Info
### Sample CSV File:
###     Name,VLanId,ip,netmask,gateway
###     VM-Subnet01,21,,,
###     VM-Subnet02,22,,,
### -----------------------------------------------------------------

## Load VMWare Snapin
if(-not (Get-PSSnapin | where { $_.Name -match 'VMware.VimAutomation.Core' })) {
 Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

## Vars to Configure
$vCenterServer = ""
$clusterToTest = "ProductionCluster"
$TestMachine = "TestVM"
$vmnicname = "Local Area Connection"
$NetworkListFile = "VMNetworkTestList.csv"

function TestNetwork($currenthost,$newhost,$vm,$gateway,$guestCred) {
 if($currenthost -notmatch $newhost) {
  Write-Host ("Moving $TestMachine to " + $_.Name) -ForegroundColor Cyan
  $VM | Move-VM -Destination $_.Name | Out-Null
 $script = ("ping " + $gateway)
 Write-Host $script -ForegroundColor Yellow
 $pingtest = Invoke-VMScript -VM $vm -ScriptText $script -scriptType bat -Credential $guestCred
 if($pingtest.ScriptOutput -match "(0% loss)") { Write-Host "Test Success" -ForegroundColor Green } else { $pingtest.ScriptOutput }
 #$continue = Read-Host "Hit Enter to Test on Next Host."
 return $newhost

## Connect to vCenter and grab information
Connect-VIServer -Server $vCenterServer -credential (Get-Credential -Message ("vCenter Account"))
$hosts = Get-VMHost -Location $clusterToTest | select Name
$VM = get-vm -name $TestMachine
$currenthost = $vm.VMHost.Name

$guestCred = Get-Credential -UserName ($TestMachine + "\") -Message "Local Admin Account"

$NetworksToTest = Import-Csv $NetworkListFile
$NetworksToTest | foreach {
 $NetworkName = $_.Name
 $IP = $_.ip
 $gateway = $_.gateway
 $netmask = $_.netmask
 Write-Host "Changing Network on $TestMachine to $NetworkName" -ForegroundColor Cyan
 Get-NetworkAdapter -VM $vm | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName $NetworkName -Confirm:$false | Out-Null
 #$continue = Read-Host "Hit Enter to Set the IP Address."
 Write-Host "Changing IP Address on $TestMachine to $IP" -ForegroundColor Cyan
 $VM | Get-VMGuestNetworkInterface -GuestCredential $guestCred | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $vmnicname } | Set-VMGuestNetworkInterface -GuestCredential $guestCred -Ip $IP -Netmask $netmask -Gateway $gateway | Out-Null
 #$continue = Read-Host "Hit Enter to Run Ping Tests."
 $x = @()
 $hosts | where { $_ -notmatch $currenthost } | foreach { $x += $_.Name }
 $currenthost = TestNetwork $currenthost $currenthost $vm $gateway $guestCred
 $hosts | foreach {
  $currenthost = TestNetwork $currenthost $_ $vm $gateway $guestCred

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